Wolfenstein 3D is widely known as the very first First Person Shooter that changed gaming forever. One of the most popular shareware games ever for 3 straight years in a row, Wolfenstein 3D puts you in the pants of BJ Blackowicz, an american prisoner of war in a Nazi dungeon where you fight off guards, SS, dogs, zombies, and more assorted nazis! It is a gem every FPS player should have in their games collection!

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Wolfenstein 3D , known as the "grandfather of First-person shooters" (technically it was Hovertank 3D) paved the way of a new genre of shooter games in the 90's that will later on inspire the creation of DOOM and the FPS genre as a whole.

Wolfenstein 3D consists of 6 episodes chronicling the adventures of an OSS agent named B.J Blaskowicz, his exploits include foiling nazi chemical operations,escaping a heavily guarded castle, killing a mad scientist and putting a stop to his mutants before finally storming the fuhrer's bunker (alone) and gunning him down into a bloody mush.

The overall design of Wolfenstein 3D is remarkable for it's era with detailed sprites and unique enemy death sequences (the death camera after boss fights is a fun to watch.) difficulty is dependent on how one plays the game, damage is quasi-realistic with point-blank hits dealing fatal consequences (but not that grave).

Wolfenstein 3D was inspired by 2 Apple computer stealth games "Castle Wolfenstein" and "Beyond Castle Wolfenstein.

a prequel standalone mission pack called "Spear of Destiny" was released and followed a single linear progression of levels instead of episodes.

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Rysa says

Agree Disagree

Game of my childhood. 90'


Steve][WSG says


tankermottind says


Dzev says


mxtomek says


Jevuner says


cennedy1457 says


ShadowStar says


Postal_dude says